A dream is a funny thing. Some people think of them as clouds and rainbows, all light and fluffy and soft. Maybe pipe dreams are like that. But true, soul-purpose dreams are more like a fire. A burning compulsion that either motivates you or scalds you. It depends on what you do with them.
Ever since I can remember, I dreamed of being a writer. In middle school, I wanted to be the next Stephen King, and I dabbled in horror short stories. (Today, as a mom, I can’t even read that stuff, let alone dream it up!) In high school I wrote (really bad!) teen romance novels. I planned on studying journalism and creative writing in college.
By a strange series of events (I’ll spare you the details), I got a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences, and a Master’s degree in Physical Therapy. I love my career, but I went that direction partly because I didn’t have enough faith in myself to make it as a writer. Physical therapy was never my dream. And after my first job at a children’s hospital – with a terrible boss – I realized that the traditional 9-5 is not for me.
So I became a contract therapist. I set my own hours and determined which clients I saw. No limited vacation time. No supervisor scrutinizing my every move. Now, that was more like it. My entrepreneurial quest began.
Still, I knew I was destined for something else. The dream of being a writer never died. I was published in a scholarly journal while in PT school, so technically I was a published author before I graduated. But it wasn’t enough. The writer inside me wanted out in a much bigger way.
I still practice physical therapy part time. I work with children with developmental delays. Since they have long-term disabilities, I usually work with them for long periods of time. I see them in their homes, which means I become quite close to many of the mothers. I celebrate milestones with them. I see what brings them joy. I get to know their doubts, their fears, their insecurities.
My involvement with various women’s organizations throughout the years showed me that many women face similar insecurities, regardless of their circumstances. Moms, especially, tell me that they spend so much time taking care of everyone else’s needs and living up to other people’s expectations, that they’ve forgotten who they are. They feel beaten up. Unworthy. Not enough. Many of them have big dreams for their lives – big goals they want to achieve. But they don’t have the confidence to “go for it.”
Having my self-esteem shattered by 25 years of abuse, I could totally relate.
You can read more details here if you’re interested.
I’ve always had an inkling that I’m supposed to share my experiences and life lessons to help other women. It took me decades to restore my self-esteem. I studied and researched. I did therapy. I journaled. I found lots of things that didn’t work because they never addressed the root of the issue. I finally developed a system that works. It worked for me, and it’s worked for the many women I’ve mentored. I outline the whole system in my book, The Self-Worth Solution. Download your free copy here.
Over the years, my purpose began to take shape.
Women need to love themselves and release the emotional baggage that makes them feel “Less Than.” They need the confidence to boldly pursue their purpose and fulfill the mission they’re put here on this Earth to do. They need to stop sabotaging themselves and get their foot off the brake pedal so their lives and their dreams can flourish.
That’s why I launched my speaking and coaching business. I get to combine my dream of being a writer with my bigger purpose of helping other women discover, love, and live their authentic selves so they have the confidence to live their purpose.
Because dreams don’t die.
They’re an inextinguishable flame. But if they don’t have space to flourish, they simmer down to almost nothing. A dream denied scorches your soul. It burns away your confidence. It singes the edges of your conscience with a flickering tongue that says, “Feed me, or you’ll never be satisfied.”
You were made with a purpose. Are you giving your dream the space and the oxygen it needs to become a roaring fire in your life? Or are you squelching the flame, trying to put it out because you don’t think you’re up to the task?
It’s never too late to rekindle a dream. It’s never too late to live your purpose and have the impact on this world you’re meant to have.
If you know you’re meant for something bigger – something great – and you’re ready to release the emotional baggage that makes you doubt yourself, I invite you to schedule to complimentary Self-Worth Discovery Session with me, as my gift to you. You’ll learn what’s been holding you back and the next best step to boost your confidence from the inside out. Then can fan the flames of your dream and set the world on fire.
Click here to schedule your session.
Go ahead. You’re worth it.