So the 2016 Presidential election starts in less than 24 hours. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for this election to be OVER!! You can’t turn on the TV or jump on Facebook without being bombarded by political posts. Someone wrote on Facebook the other day, “I can’t wait for the election […]
Make Family Meals More Meaningful With Conversation Starters
You finally get an evening without karate or cheer team, but everyone’s so exhausted and stressed out that they eat dinner in silence. Or they grab a plate of food and retreat to their bedrooms to play Xbox or text their friends while they scarf down their meal alone. Or worse yet, dinner time turns […]
UCLA Discovers a Link Between Clutter and Depression
As I’ve said before, “Physical clutter leads to emotional clutter.” There’s proof. Researchers a UCLA recently discovered a direct link between symptoms of depression and a cluttered home. Specifically, they found that women’s stress levels (and cortisol levels) rise when their homes are cluttered, while men don’t seem bothered nearly as much. (Surprised, anyone 🙂 […]
How to be Your Own Best Friend
I’m a sucker for romantic comedies. Combine the transformative magic of love with the crazy-making power of frenemies, and you’ve got the makings for a great flick. Bride Wars is one of those movies for me. Watching the flashbacks of 8 year old Liv and Emma play wedding makes me nostalgic for my childhood best […]
How to Be the Perfect Mom
This post is for all those good moms out there – those hard-working, amazing, ordinary moms who beat themselves up and guilt themselves out over not measuring up. I used to think the perfect mom never yelled. She never lost her temper, never raised her voice. She was always patient and kind. She made cartoon […]