As I’ve said before, “Physical clutter leads to emotional clutter.” There’s proof. Researchers a UCLA recently discovered a direct link between symptoms of depression and a cluttered home. Specifically, they found that women’s stressĀ levels (and cortisol levels) rise when their homes are cluttered, while men don’t seem bothered nearly as much. (Surprised, anyone š […]
31 Days of Simplicity Day 26: When Good Enough is Good Enough
Well I can’t believe it’s the last week of January already. I hope you’ve enjoyed the 31 Days of Simplicity series so far. We’ve talked a lot about adopting new habits to simplify your life (freezer meals, online bill pay, and other routines.) Then we talked about simplicity through uniformity (like matching socksĀ andĀ hangers). […]
31 Days of Simplicity Day 25: Declutter Your Makeup
WARNING! WARNING! If you shop Sephora like a fish breathes water, you may not like this post š When I was in high school, one of my best friends loved buying those train cases of makeup that always come out around the holidays. You know – the ones with 30 eye shadows, 10 lipsticks, and […]
31 Days of Simplicity Day 24: Declutter Your Wardrobe
Let’s face it. Most of us have way too many clothes in our closets. And according to the 80/20 Principle, we wear only 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. That means a whole lot of clothes hanging unworn most of the time. Creating clutter. Driving us crazy. To declutter your wardrobe, start with […]
31 Days of Simplicity Day 22: Declutter Your Cleaning
If you’re like most people, you’ve got about a bajillion different cleaning supplies. A quick tour of my favorite grocery store’s cleaning aisles showed the following products: Windex furniture polish tile cleaner carpet cleaner grout cleaner toilet bowl cleaner “soft” cleaners abrasive cleaners Clorox wipes bathroom spray kitchen spray wood oil oven cleaner bleach dish […]