Holly Doherty loves to support organizations and individuals in their fundraising needs. As a 2-time adoptive mother, Holly’s done her share of fundraising over the years. This is her way to give back!
Forget time-intensive rummage sales and overpriced gift wrap. Holly Doherty offers 2 innovative fundraisers that deliver great profits with minimal time investment from your group.
Transformational Self-Esteem Seminars
Interested in earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars for your organization? Partner with Holly Doherty for a Transformational Self-Esteem Fundraising Seminar!
Let’s face it. Who can’t use improved self-esteem these days? Holly will guide participants through a series of tested and proven exercises to increase their self-esteem.
Holly with walk you through the process, step by step, to ensure a successful event. You’ll provide a great service for your organization while raising much-needed funds at the same time!
At this time, Self-Esteem Transformation Seminars are available in the Phoenix-Metro area. To ensure maximum success for your group, Fundraising Seminars must be scheduled a minimum of 8 weeks in advance. Click here for more information.
The Magic of Family Meals Book Sales Fundraisers
Tired of the same old candle and cookie dough sales? Hold a fundraiser that makes a difference in the lives of families!
The Magic of Family Meals: 115 Conversation Starters to Connect With Your Kids will transform family dinners and deepen families ties everywhere.
What’s more, your group earns $6 for every book sold!
Click here for more information.