masterpiece self worth self esteem

Ready to step out and be you, but you're just not sure who "You" are anymore?

Have you let other people's opinions and expectations define you for too long?

Have you spent so much time sacrificing yourself for other people that you hardly recognize yourself anymore?

Are you tired of hating yourself and sabotaging yourself because you don't feel good enough?

I can't tell you number of times I hear competent, successful women - women just like you - confess their two biggest secrets:

"I hate myself." and

"I have no idea who I am anymore."

You’re so good at putting others’ needs first, you completely neglect yourself.

You doubt yourself.

You tell yourself you're not enough. You don't measure up. You don't deserve success.

You're afraid to be yourself, because somewhere along the line, you've learned it's not OK to be yourself.

So you put on a mask to hide you true self from the world. You go through life pretending to be someone you’re not.

Oh, you look perfect from the outside.

But you’re dying inside.

You’re afraid to stand up and be yourself because you’re afraid people won’t like the real you. You’re afraid of being rejected and hurt.

So you build up walls to protect your heart and stay safe.

You bury your hurt, resentment and fear in order to put others’ needs first and maintain peace.

Every time you deny your feelings and desires in order to go with the flow, you die to yourself a little more. You disappear. Pretty soon, you’ve forgotten who you are and what makes you tick.

Sound familiar?

You’re not alone, and I have great news for you.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

Only $197

I'm Holly Doherty, and I know exactly how you feel.

I've walked that same path and come out the other side.

But not that long ago, I was a wreck.

(In fact, I was desperate.)

See, for a long time I was an Invisible Woman. After a string of abusive relationships (starting when I was six!) I hated myself.

I had no voice, and no sense of who I was anymore. I let other people walk all over me. I let them define who I was.

I was afraid to be myself because I was afraid that if they saw the real me – the hurt and broken me – they’d hate me as much as I did.

So I put on a Mask of Perfection, I played The Good Girl role and pretended that nothing was wrong.

But I was dying inside.

After my 5-year marriage to an abusive husband ended in divorce, I was an empty shell of the person I once was. I looked at myself in the mirror one day and wondered who I was, how I’d gotten there, and what happened to the vibrant, confident person I used to be.

One of the first things I did to re-establish my self-worth - and my identity - was to take a personal inventory of everything that made me me.

The good, the bad, the pretty and the ugly.

Learning to acknowledge and accept myself - just as I was - was one of the most powerful experiences I've ever had.

I've now been married to an amazing (and all-around good) man for over 12 years. We have a healthy relationship, and we're more in love than the day we got married.

I'm more confident than ever.

What's more, it feels great to know that my daughter will not have to walk in my self-hating footsteps.

Because I've done the work to restore my self-worth, I'm confident I can raise my daughter to understand her worth, honor the young woman God made her to be, and confidently pursue her dreams, knowing she's worthy of them.

But here's the thing: you can't teach what you don't know. You can't teach your daughter to love herself if you don't love yourself first.

You can't have healthy relationships if you don't have a healthy relationship with yourself first.

It all starts with gaining a clear and deep understanding of who you are, at your core.

When you finally love and accept yourself just as you are, you can recognize and accept love from others. Your relationships improve. Your joy returns. You're more successful because you know that you deserve it.

And that's exactly what I want for you!

I created the Masterpiece Course with YOU in mind.

Only $197

In this powerful 30-day course, you’ll dive deep and rediscover your personal masterpiece.

In just 10 minutes a day, you will strip off the layers of identity that have been “put on you” by other people, and dig down into what you truly like, want, and believe.

You’ll re-discover your hopes and dreams, likes and dislikes, core values, and more: in short, the “body parts” of your unique masterpiece.

By the end of the 30 days, you’ll really know – and love – the masterpiece that’s within you.

Because it’s time to chip away the layers and get to the heart and soul of who YOU truly are.

Every bit of you.

No more hiding.

No more judging.

Just total acceptance and awareness of yourself.

The good and the not so good. Your strengths and your weaknesses.

They're all a part of the unique masterpiece that is YOU.

Because you are a masterpiece. You are a perfect, hand-carved masterpiece, created on purpose, with a purpose.

Like Michelangelo once said, “I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free.”

And just like no two masterpieces are exactly the same, you are unique.

Instead of trying to be like someone else, The Masterpiece Course will help you celebrate everything that is uniquely you.

To take off the mask and be 100%, authentically you.

Because you’re worth it.

You are worthy by design.

Just imagine what life will be like then you've got this figured out!

You'll have...

  • More Confidence
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Healthier relationships
  • Greater success
  • And SO much more!

Don’t wait another minute.

Buy The Masterpiece Moments course today and begin your journey of self-acceptance and rediscovering your identity.

Only $197


The Masterpiece Moments Personal Inventory course is already being offered at a crazy good price. But I really want to make this a no-brainer for you. So I'm adding in a couple of great bonuses to make it even easier to say "Yes" to yourself! Check them out.


Your Radiant Life™ Gratitude Journal - a $47 Value

Harness the power of gratitude to create the Radiant Life™ you deserve. It’s no secret that gratitude is a powerful practice in and of itself. But its true power is unleashed when gratitude is combined with other practices outlined in this journal. The five sections of Your Radiant Life™ Gratitude Journal are designed to boost your self-worth and to create an abundant, Radiant Life that you love. A life that supports you in your life’s purpose. A life where you show up in this world the way you’re meant to, and have the impact you were created for. Because you were designed with a purpose. And it’s your duty to live it out as fully as possible.

Bonus VIP Ticket for Radiant Reinvention™ Live - A $797 Value!

  • Be Confident
  • Be Authentic
  • Be YOU!

Join me June 11-13, 2020 for a POWERFUL 3-day live event which will fundamentally transform the way you see yourself as you learn to heal the past, remove the mask, and make your mark on the world. When you redeem your VIP bonus ticket, you'll have access to the entire event, including meals, a VIP cocktail hour, and a very special evening session focused on self-care (yippee!).

FREE 20-Minute Get Unstuck Private Coaching Call - A $97 Value!

I am totally committed to you rediscovering your amazing Masterpiece, and I want you to get everything you can out of this course. So I'm offering you one complimentary 20-minute Get Unstuck private coaching call. We can discuss questions regarding the course, figure out where you're stuck, or talk about your best next move. Your choice!

So what are you waiting for?

You owe it to yourself to say yes to yourself and pick up this powerful course.

Invest in yourself today!

Go ahead. You're worth it.

Only $197