Everything you want is on the other side of your comfort zone. More self-worth. More success. More peace. It’s all there.
Did you know that if you don’t regularly stretch your comfort zone, it shrinks?!?!
It’s true, chicky!
Muscles only get stronger when force and tension are placed on them. Steel gets harder when it’s heated. And you get more confident when you get outside your comfort zone.
Watch my message on comfort zones as I stretch myself with my first Facebook Live!
Pushing past my own limits
I LOVE the safety net of recorded video, where I can do as many takes as I want until I get it “perfect.” That’s comfortable to me. A colleague recently described Facebook Live as jumping off a zip line – just hang on and do your best not to fall off!
So live video is great practice for me to let loose a little, trust myself more, and let go of the Myth of Perfection that paralyzes so many of us.
The boost to your self-worth
Think about the feeling you got the last time you tried something really hard or scary, and you just nailed it. Didn’t it feel awesome! If you’re anything like me, you thought, “Wow, if I can do that, I can do anything!” It instantly boosts your self-worth.
And if you fail? Celebrate the fact that you tried. Hey, most people don’t even do that much. And remind yourself that your worth is not dependent on your performance.
Stretching your comfort zone isn’t easy, but it’s worth it!
What are you gonna do this week to stretch your comfort zone? Leave a comment below!